Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What time does school start?
Students may enter the building at 8:00 a.m.
Students will be marked tardy at 8:15 a.m.
Parents must walk their child into the building if they arrive after 8:15.
What time does school let out (dismissal)?
- Pre K dismissal begins at 3:30 p.m.
- Kindergarten dismissal begins at 3:40 p.m.
- 1st – 4th grade dismissal is at 3:45 p.m.
- Bus and Van riders are dismissed at 3:50 p.m.
What happens if my child needs to go home a different way?
If your child is to go home a different way than usual, we will need a written notification. We ask that you bring in the written request. If you are unable to physically bring the written request to the office you will need to either fax or scan the request with a copy of your drivers license. All written request must be submitted no later than 12:00 noon of that day. Phone calls are not allowed due to the protection of your child.
What happens if I need to check out my child from school early?
All adults who arrive at the office to pick up a child will be required to show a valid form of picture identification and must be on the school’s pick up list for that child. The adult should be listed on the child’s emergency form as an approved contact person by the child’s parent or guardian.
What are the procedures for campus visitors?
Campus visitors will be required to show a valid driver’s license or other state issued identification upon entering the building. The visitor’s sticker you receive from the office must be worn the entire time that you are on school grounds. For safety of our students and staff, if you are found in the building without your visitor’s sticker, you will be asked to return to the office.
What do I need to do to visit my child’s teacher?
An appointment should be set at least 24 hours in advanced when visiting your child’s teacher.
A classroom visit should last no longer than 45 minutes