Policies and Procedures
Regular school attendance is extremely important to your child’s education; therefore, parents should make every effort to avoid unnecessary absences. Parker’s goal is to have at least a 97% attendance rate. This equates to 5 or less absences in a 177-day school year.
The State of Texas recognizes the following as valid reasons for absence:
- Illness of the child
- Sickness or death in the family
- Weather or road conditions making travel dangerous
- Religious holy days (please submit a written request prior to the absence)
- Days of suspension
- Participation in court proceedings
- Other unusual circumstances deemed appropriate by the campus principal
Three Day Rule:
When returning to school after an absence, students are required to bring a note signed by his or her parent or legal guardian. The note should include the following items: student’s first and last name, date of absence, and reason for absence. If the note is not submitted within three days, the student’s absence will be considered unexcused.
Ten Day Rule:
If your child misses 10 or more days, then an attendance meeting will occur with a Parker Administrator and parent/guardian to discuss and put in place an attendance plan for your child. At 10 absences, names will be turned in to the District Truancy Officer and Saturday Detention may be assigned at this point.
Most of our students will have birthday celebrations during the school year. While we appreciate the parent’s and the child’s desire to share this event with classmates, we cannot permit instructional time to be interrupted, therefore we do not allow parents / guardians to go to the classroom. We will require that the below guidelines be followed:
- Parents may drop off directly to Parker’s office, store bought cupcakes or cookies to be shared with classmates in the classroom during afternoon snack or after lunch.
- Drinks or food items such as pizza or ice cream may not be served.
- Candles may not be used.
- Flowers / balloons / gifts may not be brought or sent to the school at any time of the year for any occasion. The office staff will not accept delivery of these items.
All doors will remain locked during school hours.
Students are instructed to use specific entrances and exits for arrival and dismissal. This is designated for the safety of all students.
All students, including bus riders, will enter the building using the front doors. Students will be dismissed at designated areas. Please see the “Dismissal” section of the handbook on page 10 for specific grade level dismissal areas.
Parents and visitors shall use the doorbell system for entering the building. All persons visiting the school will be required to sign-in at the school’s main office. Visitors must have identification (driver’s license, ID card). School personnel will use the V-Soft system to provide a pass to the visitor. Upon leaving the building, visitors shall report to the main office area to check-out. Individuals may visit classrooms during instructional time only with approval of the principal and teacher. Visitors may not interfere with instruction or disrupt the normal school environment. All visitors are expected to demonstrate the highest standards of courtesy and conduct. Disruptive behavior will not be permitted. We appreciate your cooperation in following these procedures. Safety is a priority.